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Karen V. Hakobyan
Karen V. Hakobyan CEO & Founder


Over ten years ago, I founded KVH Group L.L.C with the intention of introducing new brands and product innovations. KVH Group L.L.C owns and runs KVH EQUISPORT. As a company, we strive to provide the finest customer service possible. Every client is important to us, and we really hope that you have a positive shopping experience with us. Nothing would make me happier than being able to give others what horses have given me. a feeling of belonging, acceptance, love, passion, and purpose. It has to do with both humans and horses. Both terms are equivalent. I appreciate you coming along on the ride. Wishing you many more visits, smiles, laughter, friendships, learning opportunities, and loving the horses with you.

I am always available, open to feedback, and look forward to connecting.

Thank you for choosing KVH EQUISPORT!