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Monument David Sasunskiy in city Yerevan Armenia.-1
Monument David Sasunskiy in city Yerevan Armenia.  

At KVH EQUISPORT, we're more than just a subsidiary; we're part of the KVH GROUP family, established back in 2012. Our focus is on bringing horse-related products to the market that not only meet high technical standards but also prioritize the health and welfare of horses. We believe in a straightforward approach, figuring out exactly what both horses and riders need.

Our mission is clear: we aim to provide riders with the best opportunities to achieve their goals while simultaneously enhancing the safety, comfort, and convenience of our equine companions. We achieve this by introducing innovative products and concepts that cater to the evolving needs of the equestrian community.

Building strong and lasting alliances is something we deeply value. Our range of innovative, practical, and high-performance products is meticulously designed to elevate the safety and well-being of both horses and their riders. Partnering with reputable equine businesses worldwide, we strive to offer top-notch equine products at reasonable prices, all with the goal of providing you with innovative solutions for anything related to horses.

Our passion for horses runs deep, and it's reflected in our culture, which is built on relationships and a wealth of knowledge. Our team is not only kind and reliable but also well-informed. What drives us is a dedicated focus on client service. We're always ready to respond to inquiries, offer guidance and technical support, and, most importantly, ensure a positive shopping experience.